When Considering Agile, We Must Consider Our Organization's Capability to BE Agile

when considering agile, we must consider our organization's capability to be agile

Michael Cracroft, Chief Security & Technology Officer, Service NSW

Two Pathbreaking Changes & How They are Faring

two pathbreaking changes & how they are faring

Sugata Sircar, CFO & Country Finance Partner, Greater India, Schneider Electric

 Why India Needs to Adopt Circular Economy?

why india needs to adopt circular economy?

Subramania Raju Rajasulochana, Assistant Professor, Area of Finance & Strategy, T A Pai Management

Insurance in a Digital World

insurance in a digital world

Vijay Kumar, Principal officer, Go-Digit General Insurance

Claimless Insurance No Longer an Affordable Caviar

claimless insurance no longer an affordable caviar

Amit Bhandari, CTO, Magma HDI General Insurance Co. Ltd

Insurance the Traditional Business of Risk Transfer in the New age digital Era

insurance the traditional business of risk transfer in the new age digital era

Indranath Mukherjee, Head of Operations, Strategic Analysis, AXA XL, a division of AXA

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